Mar 20 at 10:30 AM - Sale 2697 -

Sale 2697 - Lot 43

Estimate: $ 400 - $ 600
(ART.) Black Artists of Rhode Island exhibition poster. Poster, 26 x 19¾ inches; moderate wear including partial folds, toning, several short tears in left and right margins. [Providence, RI]: Rhode Island School of Design, 22 May 1986

Additional Details

18 exhibiting artists are named, including WPA-era printmaker Wilmer Jennings (1910-1990, here billed as "Willma" Jennings), Alioune Cissoko, Arnold Prince, Claudia Widdiss, Jimmy James Greene, Barbieo Barros, Robert Hobbs, photographer Dell Padgett (also renowned for his 1950s vocal group work), and more. None in OCLC.