Mar 20 at 10:30 AM - Sale 2697 -

Sale 2697 - Lot 30

Estimate: $ 1,500 - $ 2,500
(ART.) Set of early Harmon Foundation catalogs. Numerous illustrations. Each 8vo, 8 x 5 inches, in original stapled wrappers; minimal wear. New York, 1930-1935

Additional Details

"Exhibit of Fine Arts by American Negro Artists." [16] pages. Illustrations of works by Hale Woodruff, Elizabeth Prophet, Albert Alexander Smith, and more. January 1930.

"The Harmon Foundation Presents an Exhibition of the Work of Negro Artists." [48] pages. Includes essays by A.A. Schomburg, Alain Locke and others, as well as illustrations of work by Loïs Mailou Jones, Nancy Elizabeth Prophet, and many more. February 1931.

"The Harmon Foundation . . . Presents an Exhibition of Work by Negro Artists." 55, [1] pages including wrappers; minor marginal dampstaining to rear leaves. Reproduces works by Hale Woodruff, Richmond Barthé, and many more, plus a biographical directory of artists. February 1933.

"Negro Artists: An Illustrated Review of Their Achievements." 59, [1] pages including wrappers. Includes features on Malvin Gray Johnson, Richmond Barthé, and Sargent Johnson, and an updated "Directory of Negro Artists." April 1935.