Mar 20 at 10:30 AM - Sale 2697 -

Sale 2697 - Lot 67

Estimate: $ 800 - $ 1,200
(BLACK PANTHERS.) Black Panther Community News: Bronx Brooklyn Harlem Corona Mt. Vernon. Issue #2. 8 pages, 16½ x 11½ inches, on 2 folding sheets; horizontal fold, minimal wear. [New York], circa February 1970

Additional Details

A newspaper with local New York news to complement the Black Panther Community News Service. Includes reports on police harassment at Brooklyn's Wingate High School, at Mount Vernon High School, and on College Avenue in the Bronx; an expose on transit fare increases; a family dead from carbon monoxide poisoning in Brooklyn; a letter from a former policeman who resigned from "the racist pig dept."; coverage of the party's health center and free breakfast program; and frequent mention of the ongoing Panther 21 trials.

The two dated news events are from 10 and 16 February 1970. Only one holding of this newspaper listed in OCLC--a single copy of this "No. 2" held at a library in the Netherlands.