Mar 20 at 10:30 AM - Sale 2697 -

Sale 2697 - Lot 57

Estimate: $ 800 - $ 1,200
(BLACK PANTHERS.) Free Our Sisters, Free Ourselves. Broadside, 17½ x 11 inches; two folds, minor toning; signed by Ericka Huggins, who is mentioned in the broadside. New Haven, CT: Black Panther Party of Connecticut, 22 November [1969]

Additional Details

This broadside announced a feminist protest in support of the New Haven Black Panthers who had been arrested in May 1969. The focus is on the 6 imprisoned women; the header reads "free Erica free Rose free Francis free Loretta free Maude free Jean": "Three of these women are pregnant. Their babies will be born under armed guard and then taken away from them." The protestors also demanded "liberation for all women," and other related feminist causes. 2 in OCLC, none traced at auction.