Mar 20 at 10:30 AM - Sale 2697 -

Sale 2697 - Lot 62

Estimate: $ 800 - $ 1,200
(BLACK PANTHERS.) Photograph of the New Haven Black Panthers office. Photograph, 10¼ x 13¾ inches, on period mount; minimal wear; inscribed on verso "To Peter, with many thanks. Lissa and Robert, May 71." [New Haven, circa July 1970]

Additional Details

Shows the display window of the Black Panthers office during the period of the New Haven trials. Their hand-drawn sign "New Haven Panther Defense" is partly visible at top. Two iconic posters are featured: "Kidnapped" featuring Bobby Seale, and Huey Newton in the fan-backed chair. Partly covering Newton is a flier for an upcoming rally for Lonnie McLucas on 14 July 1970, and other Panther publications can be seen below.

A 2 May 1970 photograph by David Fenton (published in The Guardian, 5 August 2020) shows the window during approximately the same period.