Mar 20 at 10:30 AM - Sale 2697 -

Sale 2697 - Lot 63

Estimate: $ 1,200 - $ 1,800
(BLACK PANTHERS.) Revolutionary Memorial Services for George Jackson: announcement and program. 2 items, both illustrated with a portrait of Jackson: the announcement one page, 5¼ x 8½ inches, folds, uneven toning; the program 4 pages, 5½ x 3½ inches on one folding sheet, minor soiling. Oakland, CA, 28 August 1971

Additional Details

While in his tenth year of imprisonment for stealing $70 from a gas station, Jackson was shot by prison guards during an attempted breakout. He is here credited as a field marshal for the Black Panther Party. The honorary pallbearers consisted of 5 of Jackson's former fellow prisoners in the San Quentin Six, "and all revolutionary brothers in the prison camps across America." Bobby Seale and Huey Newton spoke at the service, and Elaine Brown performed two songs.