Mar 20 at 10:30 AM - Sale 2697 -

Sale 2697 - Lot 70

Estimate: $ 800 - $ 1,200
(BLACK POWER.) Kill Brother Kill . . . Stop Brothers! Learn Who You Are & Who You Really Ought To Fight!!! Photocopied flier, 11 x 8½ inches; ½-inch closed tear, ink spotting. [Philadelphia?]: Simba Division, circa late 1960s?

Additional Details

This flier opposes Black-on-Black violence in strong terms. "If you want to keep on killing your Black Brothers, maybe you should join the Klan or those Minutemen Punks. That way you can see how you are helping the Pig to kill off Blacks."

We have found no other references to the Simba Division which produced this flier. The 2229 N. Broad Street address suggests Philadelphia. CORE had its offices at this same Philadelphia address from at least 1963 to 1971, suggesting an affiliation. We have not traced the phone number, POplar 5-2230; Philadelphia did not give up its named telephone exchanges until 1983.