Mar 20 at 10:30 AM - Sale 2697 -

Sale 2697 - Lot 84

Estimate: $ 600 - $ 900
(BUSINESS--HOTELS.) Group of travel and hotel ephemera. 5 items, various sizes and conditions. Various places, 1945-1966

Additional Details

12-panel color illustrated brochure for "Hampton House Miami, Social Center of the South," on one folding 12 x 23½-inch sheet; minor dampstaining and wear with partial separation on one fold. Miami, FL, circa 1960.

"Miami Invites You: Air Conditioned Hampton House." Flier, 11 x 8¼ inches; moderate dampstaining.

Room rate card for Eggleston Hotel in Richmond, VA, undated.

"Official Program, Nationwide Hotel Association, 13th Annual Convention," Washington, 16 October 1966.

Issue of the magazine "Negro Traveler," 38, [2] pages including illustrated color wrappers. Includes features on various chefs and porters working in the travel industry, baseball's annual East-West All-Star Game, and a short blurb on "Victory in Japan via Atomic Bomb." Chicago, October 1945.