May 12, 2011 - Sale 2247

Sale 2247 - Lot 56

Estimate: $ 300 - $ 400
(CHAGALL, MARC.) Group of 4 volumes. Reproductions and one volume with a color lithographed frontispiece. Large 4to, cloth; dust jackets. Vp, vd

Additional Details

Lassaigne. Le Plafond de l'Opéra de Paris. Lithographed frontispiece. Volume mildewed but lithograph fine. (1965) Adhémar. Chagall's Posters: A Catalogue Raisonné. New York, (1975) Sorlier. Marc Chagall: The Illustrated Books. (Milan, 1990) Gauss. Marc Chagall: The Lithographs. La Collection Sorlier. English language edition. New York, 1999.