Apr 18, 2013 - Sale 2311

Sale 2311 - Lot 155

Price Realized: $ 960
?Final Price Realized includes Buyer’s Premium added to Hammer Price
Estimate: $ 1,200 - $ 1,800
Group of 53 compelling photographs produced by Red Chinese photographers during the Cultural Revolution that include fascinating agit-prop pictures as well as picturesque views promoting tourism. Silver prints, ranging in size from 6 3/4x9 1/2 to 8 3/4x11 3/4 inches (16.5x24.1 to 22.2x29.8 cm.), many with a mimeographed caption, in English and a Chinese dialect, affixed to verso and/or a hand stamp and numeric notations on verso. Circa 1968

Additional Details

As Red Chinese authorities destroyed all historic representations of the country's "bourgeois" cultural, social and political past, upbeat Social Realist depictions became the norm. This fascinating group of photographs sets into high relief how very different the Red China of forty years ago was from the global Superpower of today. The pictures focus on scenic views as well as agrarian and industrial advances, with headlines such as "Socialist China Forges Ahead," "Tibet Achieves Big Rises in Farm Output," "East China Expands Production," "Peoples Communes are Fine," "A 'Barefoot Doctor' in Tibet," and much more.