Jun 13, 2024 - Sale 2672

Sale 2672 - Lot 41

Estimate: $ 700 - $ 1,000
(CHINA and TIBET.) Jean Baptiste Bourguignon d'Anville; and Jean-Baptiste Du Halde. Group of 18 engraved maps from A Description of the Empire of China and Chinese-Tartary, Together with the Kingdoms of Korea, and Tibet. 16x20½ inches sheet size or smaller, wide margins; one map with a large closed tear, others with small losses and repairs mainly keeping to the sheet edges. London, 1741

Additional Details

Chinese Tartary, 11 (of 12):

- The First Sheet... Containing the Province of Lyau-tong and the parts about Kirin-ula, the Country of Karchin and other Districts of the Mongols.

- The Second Sheet... Comprizing the Country about Ninguta (Which is Properly ye Ancient Seat of ye Manchew's) & ye Most Northern Extremity of Korea.

- The Third Sheet... Containing the Territories Possessed by the Mongols to the North of the Great Wall, with Part of the Country of Ortus, Inclosed by the Whang Ho.

- The Fourth Sheet... Including Part of the Kobi or Sha-Mo, that is, the Sandy Desert, as Far as Hami.

- The Fifth Sheet... Containing ye Parts about Tsitsekar & Merghen the Countries of the Taguri & Solons, with the Eastern Extremity of ye Great Sandy Desart.

- The Sixth Sheet... Containing ye Country of ye Yu-pi Tartars, & Ilan Hala, Which is ye Ancient Seat of ye Manchew's.

- The Seventh Sheet... containing the Greater Part of the Country Possessed by the Kalka Tartars.

- The Eighth Sheet... Containing the Beginning of the Country of the Eluth's, Adjoining Eastward to that of the Kalkas.

- The Ninth Sheet... Exhibiting its Limits on the Side of Russian Tartary.

- The Eleventh Sheet... Containing ye Country West of Nipchu Subject to Russia.

- The Twelfth Sheet...

Tibet, 7 (of 9):

- The First Sheet... Containing ye West End of ye Great Sandy Desart & ye Country about Ha-mi [or Khamul, in little Bukharia].

- The Second Sheet... Containing the Country [of Little Bukharia] to ye West of Turfan.

- The Fourth Sheet... Containing in Particular the Country of the Tartars of Koko Nor.

- The Fifth Sheet... as Bounded by China & Including the Country of the Si-fan.

- The Sixth Sheet... Containing the Country to the East of Lasa.

- The Seventh Sheet... Including the Country in the Neighbourhood of the Tsanpu to the West of Lasa.

- The Ninth Sheet... Containing, Among Others, ye Country of Latak [or Ladak].