Mar 20 at 10:30 AM - Sale 2697 -

Sale 2697 - Lot 134

Estimate: $ 800 - $ 1,200
(CIVIL RIGHTS.) 10 press photos of the Selma marches and protests. Wire photos, 8 x 10 inches or smaller, some with Associated Press captions in negative; all without press agency stamps, but with typed captions on verso with some variant of "Negroes--Alabama," some with date stamps and 8 with news clippings from unidentified newspapers; most with crop marks and retouching. Alabama, February and March 1965

Additional Details

Two of these images are from the preliminary protests that led to the Selma marches. In an 11 February 1965 image (illustrated), the newspaper clipping caption reads "Negro school pupils run to keep up with Sheriff Jim Clark . . . in a 2½ mile forced march out of Selma, Ala. yesterday. Sheriff made the youngsters run into countryside after a demonstration in front of the courthouse." One shows Amelia Boynton after she was injured at the first "Bloody Sunday" march. The final shot is of the concluding Selma to Montgomery march, as viewed through the windshield of a military escort vehicle.