Mar 20 at 10:30 AM - Sale 2697 -

Sale 2697 - Lot 102

Estimate: $ 600 - $ 900
(CIVIL RIGHTS.) 17 photographs relating to the Little Rock school integration crisis. Wire photos, 8 x 10 inches or smaller, many with Associated Press captions in negative, or on slips affixed to verso; various typed captions and other markings on verso; many with crop marks and retouching, minor wear. Little Rock, AR, 1957 and 1966

Additional Details

14 of these photographs document the court-ordered integration of Little Rock Central High School. The earliest is a 9 September group portrait of the nine students, followed by a 10 September shot of two students being taunted by a frightening gang of young thugs (both illustrated). Some show the school after being closed by the government orders, and others show documents relating to the crisis. On 5 October we see some of the Little Rock Nine marching up the school steps, accompanied by state troopers, past a gauntlet of Confederate flag-waving students.

Also included are 3 photos from an Associated Press follow-up story from 1966, showing three of the Little Rock Nine as successful college students.