Mar 20 at 10:30 AM - Sale 2697 -

Sale 2697 - Lot 137

Estimate: $ 1,000 - $ 1,500
(CIVIL RIGHTS.) Group of 9 civil rights buttons. Various sizes ranging from 1¼ to 2¼ inches across; condition generally strong. Various places, circa late 1960s-1972

Additional Details

"One Man SNCC One Vote" (Star Manufacturing of San Francisco); "One Man FDP One Vote"; and "SCLC Scope Minnesota," each 1½ inches.

"NAACP: Never Antagonize Adam Clayton Powell," 1¼ inches.

"Freedom Now, CORE"--3 buttons, each 1¼ inches; two identical buttons manufactured by N.G. Slater of New York, and the other a similar variant with no manufacturer's line.

"People's Day, Jan 15th," featuring a photograph of SCLC president Ralph Abernathy, promoting an early commemoration of Martin Luther King's birthday, manufactured by N.G. Slater of New York, 2 inches, circa 1971.

"Operation PUSH," featuring a portrait of Jesse Jackson, 2¼ inches, circa 1972.