Mar 20 at 10:30 AM - Sale 2697 -

Sale 2697 - Lot 111

Estimate: $ 600 - $ 900
(CIVIL RIGHTS.) Group of SNCC fundraising and recruitment ephemera. 3 items, various sizes and conditions. Atlanta, GA: Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, 1963-1965

Additional Details

"Mississippi Freedom Project" brochure. 8 pages, 8½ x 3½ inches on one folding sheet; soiling and dampstaining. A precursor to the Mississippi Summer Project brochure offered as lot 128, with similar text, but with a stylized broken chain on the cover rather than a credited Danny Lyons photograph. The 4 photographs inside are uncredited; circa 1963.

"SNCC Summer 1965" brochure. 6 pages, 8½ x 3½ inches on one folding sheet; moderate staining and wear. Describes the planned expanded efforts in Arkansas, Alabama, and Georgia.

Untitled fundraising appeal, with an uncredited Danny Lyon photograph on front, and on verso reproducing a racist appeal from the Dallas County Citizens Council: "Ask Yourself This Important Question: What Have I Personally Done to Maintain Segregation?" 2 pages, 11 x 8½ inches; small stain.