Mar 20 at 10:30 AM - Sale 2697 -

Sale 2697 - Lot 129

Estimate: $ 1,500 - $ 2,500
(CIVIL RIGHTS.) James Farmer. Original telegram on the missing CORE members. Western Union telegram message on printed continuous-form blank, 5½ x 8 inches; worn with loss of entire right edge, only slightly affecting text. Not examined out of frame. New York, 24 June 1964

Additional Details

This telegram was sent by CORE leader James Farmer to a chapter leader, attempting to rally national protests three days after the disappearance of three CORE activists in Mississippi; their bodies were discovered weeks later.

"CORE task force members Mickey Schwerner, James Chaney and volunteer Andrew Goodman missing over 80 hours. Burned car gives evidence of Mississippi degradation. Take action to protect lives of hundreds of civil rights workers. Urge local religious leaders make Sunday June 28 day of prayer. Demonstrate at federal buildings urging federal protection. Schwerner's downtown CORE chapter holding torchlight parade. James Farmer, National Director CORE."

This telegram was sent to Fred Dicker, co-chairman of the Long Island University Chapter of CORE, who later became a prominent New York journalist.