Mar 20 at 10:30 AM - Sale 2697 -

Sale 2697 - Lot 139

Estimate: $ 600 - $ 900
(CIVIL RIGHTS.) Ten days of local newspaper coverage of the Detroit Uprising of 1967. 10 issues of the Detroit News, each 23¾ x 15¼ inches and around 25 pages; moderate toning and wear. Detroit, MI, 24 July to 2 August 1967

Additional Details

The Detroit Uprising, also known as the Detroit Riot or the 12th Street Riot, was sparked by a police raid on an after-hours bar. It swiftly developed into a days-long running battle between police and residents with 43 fatalities, and is considered the most massive episode of American civil unrest between the 1863 draft riots and Los Angeles in 1992. These newspapers offer the establishment side of the story, with some of the initial headlines reading "7,000 Troops Guard Detroit; Riot Loss Near $100 Million" and "Tanks, Troops Battle Snipers in West Side; 12 More Die."

Provenance: saved by the consignor, a young boy in Detroit at the time.

With--a contemporary book on the subject: Sauter and Hines, "Nightmare in Detroit: A Rebellion and Its Victims," 1968.