Mar 20 at 10:30 AM - Sale 2697 -

Sale 2697 - Lot 112

Estimate: $ 800 - $ 1,200
(CIVIL RIGHTS.) Three photographs of Bayard Rustin while organizing the March on Washington. Wire photos, various sizes, captioned in the negative, various agency stamps and captions on verso; head shot with crop marks, otherwise minimal wear. New York, August 1963

Additional Details

These three photographs show Rustin in his most famous role, as the architect of the 28 August 1963 March on Washington. An Associated Press photo dated 3 August shows him at a march press conference with A. Philip Randolph and the NAACP's John Morsell (7¼ x 10 inches). A smaller AP portrait shows Rustin outside the march headquarters on 7 August, explaining that "he is determined, if it is humanly possible, that no violence mar the big march" (6 x 4 inches). A United Press International photo from 13 August (illustrated) shows Rustin with seven of his march marshals; the caption notes that Senator Strom Thurmond had just exposed Rustin's past as a Communist and draft resister (7 x 9 inches).