Sep 30, 2021 - Sale 2580

Sale 2580 - Lot 105

Estimate: $ 400 - $ 600
(CIVIL WAR--IOWA.) Henry Roberts. A soldier is moved to tears by the sight of General Sherman at the close of the Atlanta Campaign. Autograph Letter Signed to wife Cynthia L. Roberts. 3 pages, 7 1/4 x 5 1/2 inches, on one folding sheet, paginated 9-11; later inked inscription above dateline. No place, 1 October 1864

Additional Details

"There is something about a review that no person can describe. It is grand and sublime beyond description. We were reviewed by Major General Howard, and just as we had got through, General Billy Sherman appeared on the field, then we had to be reviewed by that noble hero. Our division was drawn up around the edge of a large field, and when Sherman rode out into the field to acknowledge our salute, feelings that I cannot describe completely overcame me. Cynthia, I for the first time in my life or nearly the first time, shed tears. Yes, I cried and could not help it. And then, when we marched past the old hero, I shed tears again. He sat there on his horse and as the colors were drooped to him, he raised his hat and acknowledged the salute. . . . There never was a better picture."

The author was very likely Henry Hampton Roberts (1836-1891) of Lovilia, Iowa, a sergeant in Company E of the 6th Iowa Infantry, whose wife was Cynthia Lodeska Rogers Roberts (1841-1922). He notes that the letter would be brought home via Calvin Barnard, a private in the same company, also from Lovilla, who was discharged in October 1864 after the amputation of his arm. The regiment had been part of the recently concluded Atlanta campaign under Sherman, and would soon continue with him on the March to the Sea.