Sep 28, 2023 - Sale 2646

Sale 2646 - Lot 122

Estimate: $ 600 - $ 900
(CIVIL WAR--MARYLAND.) Group of letters and documents from the 3rd Maryland Infantry Regiment, Potomac Home Brigade. 17 items, various sizes and conditions. Various places, 1862-1865

Additional Details

Highlights include: 3 manuscript court-martial charges and specifications against privates in the regiment: Jabez Reams for drunkenness, violence, and more; Joseph Ford for absence without leave; and Smith Onderkirk for stealing money from another soldier. With typed transcripts. Various places, 1863-1865.

Louisa Ellen Peters Thomas. Autograph Letter Signed to her husband John Thomas of the 3rd Maryland. "Whe had a riot here last night and they broke open Grever's Store and destroyed nearley all he had, and I expect it will not stop there." Hagerstown, MD, 10 June 1862.

Charles Oker. Autograph Letter Signed to the same John Thomas. Asks him to send a suit of civilian clothes (apparently being released as a prisoner on parole?). Annapolis, MD, 15 October 1862.

6 manuscript orders issued to Lieutenant Samuel Eck, 1863-1865, including one undated fragment of an order on a slip of paper: "Lt. Eck will proceed with this detail to recounoiter from the point wher the picket is posted on the crest of the hill rear of cam, along the road through the woods to the vicinity of Mr. Wright's, where he will obtain as much information as possible . . . with instructions to fire and fall rapidly back through the woods on the approach of the enemy."

Abraham V. Stipp. Pair of Autograph Letters Signed to friend Helen Shell of Shepherdstown, WV. "I learn some sad news in regard to the depredations that the Rebels are perpetrating in Shepherdstown and am very sorry to think that our soldiers will not protect peaceable and loyal citizens. . . . There are a good many seceshionists about here that are always speaking of the unconstitutional principal of the President's emancipation policy, but I have asked them frequently if the Constitution was ever framed by our forefathers to protect aliens and traitors who are not living under the Constitution." Millersville, MD, 16 March 1863. Also, Ellicott's Mills, MD, 25 March 1864.

Provenance: collection of Arthur G. "Gil" Barrett.