Sep 26, 2019 - Sale 2517

Sale 2517 - Lot 80

Estimate: $ 6,000 - $ 9,000
FEATURING A YOUNG GEORGE A. CUSTER (CIVIL WAR--PHOTOGRAPHY.) [Gardner, Alexander; photographer.] Sheridan's Staff of Generals. Albumen photograph, 12 1/4 x 10 1/2 inches to sight; minimal wear; not examined out of modern mat and frame. Np, 2 January 1865

Additional Details

Major General Philip Sheridan (standing, left) examines a chart with 4 of his generals: Wesley Merritt, George Crook, James William Forsyth, and George Armstrong Custer. Each of these men would play an important role in the Indian Wars in the years to come. Merritt let the court of inquiry after Little Bighorn, Sheridan was the commander of all troops in the Great Plains, Crook was the commander at the Battle of the Rosebud, Forsythe was a cavalry commander at Wounded Knee, and of course Custer met his end at Little Bighorn. Katz, Custer in Photographs, K-46.