Jun 27, 2024 - Sale 2675

Sale 2675 - Lot 117

Price Realized: $ 5,250
?Final Price Realized includes Buyer’s Premium added to Hammer Price
Estimate: $ 5,000 - $ 7,500
(COLONIAL WARS.) Thomas Fitch. To the Forces . . . Generously Engaged in the Expedition Against Canada. Letterpress broadside, 14¾ x 12¼ inches, signed in type as governor of Connecticut; minimal wear, later 1761 docketing on verso; uncut. New London, CT: Timothy Green, 7 June 1758

Additional Details

A plea to the soldiers of Connecticut to behave morally on the coming expedition to Canada, and particularly to avoid foul language or alcohol:

"Whereas in the course of Divine Providence, You (my dear Country-men) and many other of your fellow Subjects are called forth to War with the Enemy (the perfideous inveterate Enemies of your Nation, and the cruel Destroyers of your Country) for the Defence, Protection, and Security of your Native Land, the invaluable Rights, Liberties and Religion of British Subjects, and the Protestant Cause . . . Refrain from those Evils which incense his Anger, and may bring down his awful Vengeance upon you . . . earnestly exhort all of you, both Officers and Privates, (while your Christian friends at home, I trust, will be daily addressing the Throne of Mercy on your behalf) carefully and religiously to abstain from and avoid all profane Swearing, Cursing and other Evil Speaking, Intemperance, Unrighteousness and other Immoral and Desolute Practices (too frequent in Camps) and to pay a reverential Regard to the Sabbath of the Lord and the Worship of God (the great Creator and Preserver of Men), and to behave in all respects as becometh Soldiers professing the Religion of Jesus Christ."

None traced at auction. Bristol B1943, tracing only one copy (New-York Historical Society).