Sep 27, 2018 - Sale 2486

Sale 2486 - Lot 293

Estimate: $ 1,500 - $ 2,500
(EARLY EXPLORATION.) Harris, John. Navigantium atque Itinerantium Bibliotheca, or a Compleat Collection of Voyages and Travels. 8 (of 9) maps, 21 (of 23) plates. [12], lxvii, [2], 862, [14]; [6], 928, 56, [12] pages (erratically paginated). 2 volumes. Folio, modern 1/4 calf; lacking both frontispiece portrait plates and the European map facing I:4, lacking half of African map facing I:305, heavy repairs to 4 other maps (though the American map is sound), subscriber list misbound after introduction, minor dampstaining and other minor wear. London, 1705

Additional Details

first edition. An encyclopedic compendium of world travels to date, with long sections on the Americas (pages I:685-862 and II:801-928) covering Drake, Magellan, and others through the late 17th century. European Americana 704/90; Hill 774; Sabin 30482.