Mar 31, 2016 - Sale 2408

Sale 2408 - Lot 258

Estimate: $ 600 - $ 900
(EDUCATION.) WASHINGTON, BOOKER T. Lincoln University, June 1, 1909. 3 pages, typed; creases where folded. Lincoln University; [Jefferson City, MO,] 1909

Additional Details

Notes for a speech delivered at Lincoln University. The notes are Washington's typical hot button talking points with sub-topics added beneath. Example: 'What education should do.' Beneath this and to the right, he has typed, '. . . Should awaken and strengthen mind, harness to something, fine horse, 1/2 bushel of gold dollars, common sense, youthful period, individual success, what was first needed.' Washington would use these key words or phrases to build on, sometimes adlibbing the speech and other times sticking more or less to his written notes.