Mar 20 at 10:30 AM - Sale 2697 -

Sale 2697 - Lot 176

Estimate: $ 600 - $ 900
(EDUCATION.) Yearbook of the private Sister Clara Muhammad Elementary School, with a related promotional card. [10] illustrated pages plus a blank leaf intended for autographs. Quarto, 10½ x 8 inches, original printed wrappers; minimal wear. [Kansas City, MO], circa 1976

Additional Details

A yearbook for a private Black Muslim school, named after Elijah Muhammad's late wife Sister Clara Muhammad. Elijah and Clara Muhammad's son Wallace had recently inherited control of the Nation of Islam and renamed it the World Community of Islam. The first page bears his portrait, as well as photographs of the school and the local imam. Three pages are devoted to the school's staff and classroom scenes, followed by 6 pages of student portraits, arranged from kindergarten through grades 5-6. Almost all of the students have Muslim names. No material from this school is found in OCLC.

With a postcard-sized portrait of "Mrs. Clara Muhammad, wife of Messenger Elijah Muhammad," subcaptioned "An Example of How the Black Woman Should Dress in North America." 6 x 4¾ inches, printed in green on tan card; horizontal fold, moderate wear, unrelated notes on verso.