Mar 20 at 10:30 AM - Sale 2697 -

Sale 2697 - Lot 209

Estimate: $ 600 - $ 900
(ENTERTAINMENT--MUSIC.) Papers of Pittsburgh gospel performer John Shelton III. 57 items, various sizes; condition generally strong. Pittsburgh, PA and environs, 1940-1970

Additional Details

John "Juan" Shelton III (circa 1930-2007) was a Pittsburgh-area organist and gospel music manager. This collection includes:

Two placards to advertise performances by the J. Shelton Singers, "Spreading the Gospel in Song," 6 x 14 inches and 11 x 14 inches, circa 1950.

Pair of autograph albums kept by Shelton as a student at Herron Hill Junior High, 1945; and at integrated Schenley High School, 1948.

32 programs for church and community events, mostly featuring Shelton or his group, The Valleyaires, 1940-1970. One 1946 program for a performance of the Bach Choir of Pittsburgh is signed by Shelton and 15 others.

21 letters and postcards addressed to Shelton, 1948-1966, many relating to his music.