Mar 20 at 10:30 AM - Sale 2697 -

Sale 2697 - Lot 208

Estimate: $ 800 - $ 1,200
(ENTERTAINMENT--MUSIC.) Photograph and 3 programs from Mary Cardwell Dawson, a pioneering opera singer and educator. 4 items, various sizes and conditions. Pittsburgh, PA, 1936-1941 and undated

Additional Details

Mary Lucinda Cardwell Dawson (1894-1962) established the Cardwell Dawson School of Music in Pittsburgh in 1925, as part of a long and successful career as an opera singer and music educator. She founded the National Negro Opera Company in 1941, and was named to the National Music Committee by President Kennedy in 1961. This lot includes:

Photograph of the Cardwell Dawson Choir, with the founder seated at center. 7 x 9 inches; 4 short tape repairs. Uncaptioned and uncredited. No place, circa 1930s.

Program for a performance of the Cardwell Dawson Choir at Carnegie Music Hall. 12 pages. Octavo, 9¼ x 6 inches, original printed wrappers, minor foxing. Pittsburgh, PA, 28 April 1936.

National Association of Negro Musicians. Official program from their 22nd Anniversary Session. 20 pages. Quarto, 12¼ x 9¼ inches, original wrappers, chipped; minimal wear to contents. Portrait of President Mary Cardwell Dawson on page 2, and the Cardwell School's full-page ad on page 16. Pittsburgh, PA, 24 August 1941.

Program for a performance of Aida presented by the Cardwell Dawson School of Music Syria Mosque, as part of the same convention. 4 pages, 9½ x 6¼ inches, on one folding sheet; minor wear and soiling. Pittsburgh, PA, 28 August 1941. This performance was a prelude to Cardwell Dawson's formation of the National Negro Opera Company later that year.