Mar 20 at 10:30 AM - Sale 2697 -

Sale 2697 - Lot 232

Estimate: $ 600 - $ 900
(ENTERTAINMENT--THEATER.) Uncle Tom's Cabin: A Great Wrong Righted. 16 pages. Octavo, 8½ x 5½ inches, original illustrated wrappers, moderate soiling; minor foxing to contents. No place: Abbey's Double Mammoth Uncle Tom's Cabin Co., circa 1886

Additional Details

This program does not have a performance date or cast list. It features an introduction from "Uncle Tom" himself, recounting the cities he has visited on the theater circuit since first making his appearance in Harriet Beecher Stowe's novel "over thirty-four years" earlier. The remainder is devoted to an illustrated scene-by-scene description of the play. This Uncle Tom's Cabin production was on the road from at least October 1882 to June 1888.