Mar 01, 2012 - Sale 2271

Sale 2271 - Lot 306

Estimate: $ 800 - $ 1,200
(FILM.) NORMAN STUDIOS. Black Gold. Poster, 22x14 inches. With two pictorial promotional distributors brochures, folio's folded to form four pages each. All in exceptional condition. Jacksonville, FL, 1928

Additional Details

A fine, and typically lurid poster for Norman Studios' "Black Gold," a story about the oil fields of Oklahoma reprising the duo of Lawrence Criner and Katherine Boyd who had been a success in "Flying Ace" (1926). Norman Studios was one of the most prolific producers of all-black cast films for a number of years. The brochures carry advertisements for Bill Pickett's "Bull Dogger" and other important black-cast films. See John Kisch and Edward Mapp's "Separate Cinema" (Noonday Press, 1992).