Feb 26, 2009 - Sale 2171

Sale 2171 - Lot 293

Estimate: $ 400 - $ 600
(LITERATURE AND POETRY.) WHEATLEY, PHILLIS. Some Account of Phillis, a learned Negro girl [article in The Gentleman's Magazine for May of 1773.] Small 4to, original self-wrappers; paper evenly toned, removed from a larger volume. London, 1773

Additional Details

Prints an article announcing the publication of "some poems written by Phillis, a negro servant of Mr. Wheatley, of Boston." The article continues "as many perhaps will be ready to suspect that these poems are not really the writings of Phillis," a defense of Phillis''s authorship follows, citing the fact that she was "vetted" by the Governor, Lieutenant Governor and others the colony.