Mar 20 at 10:30 AM - Sale 2697 -

Sale 2697 - Lot 253

Estimate: $ 1,200 - $ 1,800
(MARTIN LUTHER KING.) Black is Beautiful, and It's So Beautiful to Be Black. Poster, 22 x 17 inches; minimal wear. Atlanta, GA: Southern Christian Leadership Conference, 1967

Additional Details

These posters were released at the annual SCLC conference in Atlanta in August 1967. An Associated Press story described the slogan as part of King's "effort to hold Negro support in the face of the Black Power movement" (for example, Asheville Citizen-Times, 20 August 1967). A UPI photograph of Dr. King walking past an alternate version of this poster at the SCLC headquarters ran on the cover of Newsday, 16 August 1967. We trace no examples in OCLC or at auction.