Jun 27, 2024 - Sale 2675

Sale 2675 - Lot 362

Estimate: $ 600 - $ 900
(MEXICAN-AMERICAN WAR.) Antonio López de Santa Anna. Exposicion que eleva al soberano Congreso nacional el Exmo. 16 pages. 8vo, modern gilt calf; light horizontal folds; early owner's red ink signature and later pencil note on title page, modern private library bookplate on front pastedown. Orizava: J. Ramón Matos, 1847

Additional Details

Santa Anna's official 1 November 1847 message of resignation from the presidency in the wake of military defeat. "Pero era preciso hacer callar toda consideración privada ante el peligro nacional, para sostener la independencia é integridad del territorio invadido ya, por las fuerzas de los Estados-Unidos, y debiendo ser este el único objeto que nos ocupará, no pensé en otra cosa que en hacer la guerra a los invasores, para lo cual marché inmediatamente á San Luis Potosí."

In translation: "It was necessary to ignore private considerations in the face of our national danger, in order to sustain the independence and integrity of a nation already invaded by the forces of the United States; and since this should be the only object to concern us, I did not think of another choice but to wage war on the invaders, for which I immediately marched to San Luis Potosí." 4 in OCLC.