Apr 12, 2018 - Sale 2473

Sale 2473 - Lot 268

Price Realized: $ 531
?Final Price Realized includes Buyer’s Premium added to Hammer Price
Estimate: $ 800 - $ 1,200
(MEXICAN IMPRINT--1592.) Osorio, Christoval. Tasso de la Real Audiencia. 3 printed pages, 11 1/2 x 7 3/4 inches, on one folding sheet; dampstaining in upper quarter, light paper clip stains on first page, single wormhole running through lower margin of both leaves. Mexico, 27 February 1592

Additional Details

Bartholomé de Ledesma published his "De septem novae legis sacramentis summarium" in Mexico in 1566 (see lot xxxx). A second edition appeared in Salamanca, Spain in 1585 as "Summarium." This sheet includes two seperate documents relating to Mexican sales of Ledesma's second edition. The first page is a document reading in full: "Tassa de la Real Audencia. En la Ciudad de Mexico á veynte y siete dias del mes de Hebrero, de mil y quinientos y noventa y dos años. Los Señores Presidé te é Oydores, de laudiencia de mi Christoval Osorio escriviano en al acuerdo de camara della. Aviendo visto la peticion del Reverendo Padre Obispo de Antequera, don Fray Bartholome de Ledesma, y un libro que con ella presento, intitulada Summa de Sacramentos, por los dichoes Señores se tasso cada uno de los dichos libros en papel sin enquadernar, á nueve pesos de oro comun, y a este respecto de puedan vender y comprar, y ansi lo mandaron asentar por auto. Ante my, Christoval Osorio."
The second document is a two-page list of errata intended to be inserted into the 1585 edition, which had been numbered as 1622 columns rather than pages or leaves. This errata sheet does not appear in the University of Madrid copy on line, is not mentioned in Medina BHA's entry on the 1585 edition (#292), and is not mentioned in the OCLC descriptions of the 1585 edition. Nor does this printing appear in Medina's Mexico bibliography. We would say this printing was likely unique, except that it arrived here with a photostat of a different copy, source unknown.