Nov 21, 2024 - Sale 2687

Sale 2687 - Lot 294

Estimate: $ 800 - $ 1,200
(MEXICAN IMPRINT--PUEBLA?) Memorial al rei nuestro señor sobre la execucion del breve de la santidad de Inocencio X en la diferencia jurisdicional, i sacramental entre los religiosos de la Compañia de Jesus de la Nueva-España, i la jurisdicion eclesiastica del obispado de la Puebla de Los Angeles. [2], 127, [9], 13 pages. 4to, contemporary vellum, minor wear; minor dampstaining; early inscription on title page. [Puebla?, circa 1652]

Additional Details

One salvo in the extensive war between the Jesuits and Juan de Palafox y Mendoza, Bishop of Puebla. Here the Palafox camp pleads with the King to enforce a 1648 edict against the Jesuits which had been issued by Pope Innocent X--the original edict is published here on pages 19-34. The main text of 127 pages is preceded by a title page, and followed by a 4-leaf index.

At the end is bound in an apparently separate 13-page publication without title page, bearing the caption title "Prodigios, que precedieron, y sucedieron en el tiempo de los pleitos, que los Religiosos de la Compañia de Jesus movieron al Obispo de la Puebla de los Angeles . . . en comprovacion de lo que Dios se ofende, que se desprecie la Dignidad Episcopal." This text is not noted in any bibliographic citations or OCLC listings we can find, but is probably the appendix described in a 1927 Maggs listing of the book: "Appended, is a curious report on the various calamities that befell the district of Puebla in the years 1646 and 1647, such as earthquake shocks, the demolition of a church tower and other accidents, in proof of the anger of God at the contempt shown to ecclesiastical dignity."

Palau 161854; Wilkinson, Iberian Books 37986. Not in Medina's Mexico or Puebla imprints, but listed in his Biblioteca Americana as #1927 without a place of publication; none others traced at auction. 3 in OCLC, each with slightly different collations--but none suggesting this is incomplete.