Sep 17, 2015 - Sale 2391

Sale 2391 - Lot 221

Estimate: $ 500 - $ 750
(MEXICAN WAR.) Morris, George Pope. Pair of broadside printings of the patriotic anthem "Arm and On!" "Arm and On! A National Anthem." Letterpress songsheet with decorative border, 9 x 6 1/4 inches; light folds, minor foxing. C.C. Childs, Yankee Press Office, undated * "Chorus, Arm and On ye Brave!, to be Sung by the Vocal Union at the Citizens' Meeting in the Park." Songsheet with music, 7 x 11 inches; folds, minor dampstaining and toning. Samuel C. Jollie, 1846. [New York, 1846]

Additional Details

Just a week after war was declared on Mexico, a patriotic rally was held in front of New York's City Hall on 20 May 1846. This song by popular poet George Pope Morris was performed at the event. Francis H. Nash sang the lead, and the chorus was handled by the Vocal Union led by Henry Meiggs (later a notorious land speculator). No other copies traced of either printing in OCLC or at auction.