Apr 27, 2017 - Sale 2444

Sale 2444 - Lot 353

Estimate: $ 1,000 - $ 1,500
(MEXICO.) Paul V, Pope. Papal bull concerning mendicant friars in Mexico. Manuscript on vellum, 18 x 25 3/4 inches, apparently an official contemporary transcript by prothonotary Joannes Dominicus Spinola; folds, minor dampstaining, stitch holes in margins, Latin text with Spanish docketing on verso. Rome, 4 July 1616

Additional Details

The docketing reads "El Pontifice Paulo Quinto relacion de bula adjutio cencio en que confirma todos los privil coros bela orden expecialmente esta provincia y de nuebo mandado y ordena que ningun obispo arcobispo se mera con los fray les y pena de mil ducados," ordering fines of 1000 ducats to bishops and archbishops interfering with friars of the mendicant orders. The Latin text references Fray Luis Barroso of Mexico, and also the Carmelites, who established a convent in Mexico City that year. Apparently unpublished.