Apr 27, 2017 - Sale 2444

Sale 2444 - Lot 354

Estimate: $ 3,000 - $ 4,000
INQUISITION BROADSIDE BANNING SEDITIOUS INDEPENDENCE WORKS (MEXICO.) Prado y Obejero, Bernardo de; et al. Nos los inquisidores. . . . Sabed: Que el prudente, y religioso zelo del Exmô Sr. Virrey de este Reyno, há puesto en nuestras manos una Proclama del intruso Rey José. Letterpress broadside on two conjoined sheets, 23 3/4 x 16 1/4 inches, bearing the engraved Inquisition seal and manuscript paraphs of the four signers; minor wear, one-inch closed tear in margin, docketed on verso. Mexico, 28 September 1810

Additional Details

After the French invasion of Spain, Joseph Napoleon was installed as King of Spain in 1808; one of his first acts was to ban the Inquisition. This broadside was issued by the Mexican Inquisition, still loyal to the old regime. First on its list of four banned or censored works is a proclamation by "Intruder King José" which is said to encourage rebellion and criticize the Inquisition: 'Dad en tierra con la inhumana, é infernal inquisicion.' Viscardo y Guzman's 1801 pamphlet "Carta dirigida a los españoles americanos por uno de sus compatriotas" is also banned for encouraging sedition against religion, the state, the King, and the Pope. The broadside was issued just two weeks after the Grito de Delores launched the Mexican struggle for independence, and it concludes by stating that works encouraging sedition and independence are strictly prohibited: "todos los papeles incendiarios, y sediciosos de esta clase, que inspiren desobediencia, independencia, y trastorno del Gobierno están prohibidos.' 3 copies in OCLC.