Mar 28, 2019 - Sale 2503

Sale 2503 - Lot 327

Estimate: $ 1,000 - $ 1,500
(MILITARY.) Photograph of an unidentified African-American officer in the United States Army. Albumen photograph, 3 1/4 x 2 1/4 inches, on original gilt-bordered mount with no photographer marks; minor discoloration, minimal wear. Np, circa late 1860s

Additional Details

More than 100 African Americans in the Union army reached the officer ranks during the Civil War. The insignia on this man's uniform suggests a major or lieutenant colonel, though, which narrows the field considerably. Of those we've been able to trace, the remarkable Major Martin Delany is probably the closest match, but this appears to be a different man. The image may date from shortly after the war, perhaps from one of the Buffalo Soldier cavalry units.