Mar 27, 2014 - Sale 2342

Sale 2342 - Lot 434

Estimate: $ 800 - $ 1,200
(MILITARY--BUFFALO SOLDIERS.) 24th INFANTRY. PRESTON, DENNIS. Discharge papers with accounting of pay and docking for clothing, tobacco, laundry etc.

Additional Details

Preston is being mustered out in Texas, and being paid 30 cents per ration, per day to travel to his home 1986 miles away in Baltimore. He is being docked for clothing drawn from the quartermaster, tobacco similarly, as well as money for a Mrs. Smith for doing his laundry. All of this came to $26.86. Following the Civil War, many black soldiers were mustered out in Texas and other points far from home. The result was, a great many black Civil War vets simply stayed on for the Indian Wars, and became "Buffalo Soldiers."