Mar 20 at 10:30 AM - Sale 2697 -

Sale 2697 - Lot 303

Estimate: $ 600 - $ 900
(MILITARY--KOREAN WAR.) Thurgood Marshall. Report on Korea: The Shameful Story of the Courts Martial of Negro GIs. 19, [1] pages including printed wrappers. Staple-bound, 8½ x 3¾ inches; uneven toning on front wrapper, a bit of rust at staples. New York: NAACP, [April 1951]

Additional Details

The future Supreme Court justice details his investigation into spurious court martial charges against Black troops which resulted in life imprisonment. He describes a meeting with General MacArthur, who promised full cooperation. Marshall argues that complete desegregation of the military is the only long-term solution. None traced at auction.