Mar 20 at 10:30 AM - Sale 2697 -

Sale 2697 - Lot 295

Estimate: $ 4,000 - $ 6,000
(MILITARY--WORLD WAR ONE.) Group of 6 sentimental patriotic posters depicting Black soldiers. Color posters, each 20 x 16 inches except as noted; minor to moderate edge wear. Chicago, 1918-1919

Additional Details

These posters are all in a similar style and format, though credited to three different printers. Some of them are well-known classics; others we have not seen before. Includes:

"True Blue," with 5-inch repaired closed tear. Chicago: E.G. Renesch, 1919.

"Welcome Home," 17½ x 16 inches. Chicago: E.G. Renesch, 1919.

"Colored Man is No Slacker"; ½-inch hole in upper left corner. Chicago: E.G. Renesch, 1918.

"Emancipation Proclamation, September 22, 1862." Chicago: E.G. Renesch, 1919.

"Our Colored Fighters"; ¾-inch hole in lower right corner. No place: James Lee, 1919.

"True Sons of Freedom." Chicago: Charles Gustrine, 1918.

With--the unrelated "The Little Shepherd." Chicago: Otto Scheible, 1911.