Oct 25, 2016 - Sale 2426

Sale 2426 - Lot 357

Estimate: $ 1,500 - $ 2,500
Group of 26 large-format photographs depicting early rocket and space capsule launches.
With views of the Atlas Missile containing L. Gordon Cooper (who orbited the Earth 22 times); the recovery of Discoverer XVII; Enos, the U.S. space chimp (who orbited the Earth twice); Gemini-IV spacecraft splashed down, Gemini spacecraft -VI and -VII rendezvousing, a simulated space walk; the U.S. Navy's vanguard rocket heading into the "wild blue yonder;" "the largest section of of Mother Earth taken at one time;" and more. Ferrotyped silver prints, the images measuring 13 1/4x9 1/2 inches (33.7x24.1 cm.), and the reverse, the sheet slightly larger, a few with retouching or grease pencil notations on recto, several with the reproduced newspaper image and each with hand stamps on verso. 1960-82