Mar 27, 2014 - Sale 2342

Sale 2342 - Lot 527

Estimate: $ 300 - $ 400
RIB-TICKLING RACISM (MUSIC--RACISM.) Broadside. 'What's New? . . . Subtle rib-tickling satire concerning problems of integration and various political themes, foremost of out times. For those who take a Conservative position on integration . . .' Single, narrow sheet, 12 x 6 inches, printed on one side. Crowley, LA, circa 1968-1970s

Additional Details

This mail-order company, offering 45 rpm recordings by 'top artists' is an example of how deeply ingrained racism was in American society as recently as the 1970's. This company offered a variety of 'rib-ticklers' like 'Nigger Hatin' Me,' with the B side of Who Likes a Nigger.' And for those who like something to dance to, there's 'Kajun Klu Klux Klan.' The copy at the head of the page tells you all you need to know: 'For those who take a conservative position on integration, the NAACP and the senseless war in Viet Nam.'