Feb 23, 2012 - Sale 2269

Sale 2269 - Lot 248

Price Realized: $ 1,920
?Final Price Realized includes Buyer’s Premium added to Hammer Price
Estimate: $ 600 - $ 900
(PERISHABLE PRESS.) Group of 8 Limited Editions. Illustrated. Mostly 4to, original bindings. Condition very good. Mt. Horeb, Wisc., vd

Additional Details

Blackburn. The Reardon Poems. 126/143 copies. 1967 Waldrop. Songs from the Decline of the West. 60/120 copies. (1970) Blackburn. The Journals: Blue Mounds Entries. 65/125. 1971 Hamady. These Chairs. 2 copies; each one of 98 copies; one in clamshell case. 1971 Rail. Going Home Again. One of 125 copies. 1971 Laird. The Eggplant Skin Pants and Poems. 1/175 signed copies. 1973 Olson. Fishing. With an original mixed media print by William Weege da Barba. One of only 50 copies. 1973.