Feb 23, 2012 - Sale 2269

Sale 2269 - Lot 249

Price Realized: $ 4,560
?Final Price Realized includes Buyer’s Premium added to Hammer Price
Estimate: $ 2,000 - $ 3,000
(PERISHABLE PRESS.) Small archive of over 30 pieces published by and about Walter Hamady and the Perishable Press. Illustrated. Various sizes, original bindings. Includes, limited editions, ephemera, exhibition catalogues, prospectuses, magazine articles, and more. Each protected in mylar sleeve laid into two archival boxes. Should be seen. Mt Horeb, Wisc., vd

Additional Details

Highlights include: Creeley. The Charm: Early and Uncollected Poems. 56/250 copies. 1967 Waldrop. Spring is a Season and Nothing Else. 91/111 copies. (1970) Hamady. In Sight of Blue Mounds. 87/125 copies. 1972 Lewis and Gilliam. Pulsars. 20/150 copies. (1974) Blackburn. The Selection of Heaven. 170 copies. 1980 Olson. The Pool. 49/107 copies. 1989-91 A Hamady-Wilde Sampler Salutations 1995. 10/95 copies. 1995 and many others.