Mar 20 at 10:30 AM - Sale 2697 -

Sale 2697 - Lot 320

Estimate: $ 1,000 - $ 1,500
(PHOTOGRAPHY.) Pair of photo albums showing boxcar-riding, gun-toting, cowboy women and more. Approximately 400 photos laid down on 67 album leaves in 2 albums. One album had leaves 7 x 10 inches which are cleanly excised from the cloth binding but otherwise in strong condition; the other is in worn limp sheep binding, 10 x 7 inches, with minor wear to contents. Various places, circa 1910-1930

Additional Details

We don't often offer unidentified photo albums, but these are too good to pass up. The photographer, the compiler, and their friends and family all show a strong sense of humor. Two show a stylish young woman pretending(?) to sneak aboard a boxcar, hobo-style. A woman in cowboy gear is captioned "She's a He." One image shows a woman with a rifle and several birds lined up on her car; another woman with a rifle is captioned "Shooting at the air." A few images are captioned, mostly in cryptic fashion or just with first names, but travel images of Kansas, Texas, Missouri, and the District of Columbia can be identified. The family's home may have been on Maryland's eastern shore; one shows "Easton's Ragtime Band," and another shows the Miles River Bridge (near Easton, MD?).