Mar 20 at 10:30 AM - Sale 2697 -

Sale 2697 - Lot 314

Estimate: $ 1,500 - $ 2,500
(PHOTOGRAPHY.) Pair of portraits of Yale University workers. Albumen photographs, 5 x 4 inches, mounted on original plain tinted paper; excised from a class album, minimal wear, both inscribed in ink "Yale '71" in a later hand. [New Haven, CT, circa 1871]

Additional Details

One of these portraits is of Theodore "Candy Sam" Ferris, a blind candy vendor who worked at Yale for many years. His case is stenciled "Yale Confectionery." His portrait is captioned in pencil "Candy Man." The other, of a man with an injured eye, is captioned only "Custodian." The photographer was likely George Kendall Warren (1824-1884), who produced many college yearbooks during this era. Students would order their own custom collection of images, often including college faculty and staff as well as their classmates.