Mar 20 at 10:30 AM - Sale 2697 -

Sale 2697 - Lot 329

Estimate: $ 600 - $ 900
(POLITICS.) A Franklin D. Roosevelt pamphlet titled "Take Your Choice," issued by the campaign's "Colored Division." 14, [2] pages including illustrated wrappers. Octavo, 8¼ x 5¼ inches; vertical fold, moderate wear, bit of rust at staples. No place: Colored Division of the Democratic National Campaign Committee, [1936]

Additional Details

The cover features an Amsterdam News cartoon with Republican candidate Landon offering "promises, pretty speeches . . . ballyhoo" and Roosevelt offering a Harlem housing project and jobs. Includes a detailed description of his track record on race, from WPA jobs, to an official visit to Haiti, to public housing, to the Harlem Theatre Project. 2 in OCLC and none traced at auction.

With--a more local piece from a white politician soliciting the Black vote: "Yes, We Know District Atty. Kelley." Broadside, 12 x 8¾ inches; folds, minimal wear. Touts the record of a Philadelphia district attorney who had hired 6 full-time Black employees (pictured), including assistant D.A.'s and detectives. None in OCLC. [Philadelphia]: 28th Ward Voters' League, 7 November 1939.