Sep 27, 2018 - Sale 2486

Sale 2486 - Lot 170

Estimate: $ 4,000 - $ 6,000
(SCULPTURE.) Full-figure statuette of Lincoln holding the Emancipation Proclamation, after Volk. Plaster, 34 inches tall including metal base with a 13 1/4-inch diameter, painted in white and black; clumsy restoration including neck and right foot, chipping to scroll and base, and light wear elsewhere, crack in left ankle (apparently reinforced internally). Np, late 19th century?

Additional Details

This plaster casting is based on Leonard Wells Volk's much larger statue in the Illinois State Capitol and the 1892 Lincoln monument in Rochester, NY, which is 9 feet tall and mounted on a 43-foot column. Another example of this plaster version (but with a painted bronze finish) can be seen at the Lucas County Historical Society in Iowa.