Mar 20 at 10:30 AM - Sale 2697 -

Sale 2697 - Lot 365

Estimate: $ 3,000 - $ 4,000
(SLAVERY.) A Gang of 82 Choice Plantation Slaves! from Georgia . . . Will Be Sold at the City Hotel. Letterpress broadside, 22¼ x 6½ inches; worn and stained, one-inch area filled plus other smaller repairs with minimal loss of text, laid down on paper with 12 small newspaper advertisements for slave auctions and runaway rewards mounted below. [New Orleans, LA]: C.E. Girardey & Co., 6 April [1859]

Additional Details

82 enslaved people are listed here with their names, ages, skills, and sometimes skin color. 4 family groups are listed, but each family member is offered with a separate lot number. Lot 40 is Joe, a "No. 1 Plantation Blacksmith" to be sold along with his wife, probably reflecting the importance of a good blacksmith on a plantation. Lot 78 is "Judy (sister of Elias, No. 60), good house girl, has a burn scar on her right foot, does not affect her walking."

The Girardey & Co. firm was launched in 1858. This sale was advertised in the New Orleans Crescent of 6 April 1859, without the list.

None in OCLC; one other example traced at auction, at a Swann sale, 27 February 2003, lot 20.